Congratulations Lee County Solid Waste – Household Chemical Waste Team!

Earnest Outlaw, Carlos Pizzaro, Eric Gutierrez, Patricia Lizzio, Charles Rizzo
“In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lee County’s household chemical waste team closed the drop-off facility to the public on March 24, 2020. And, in true team spirit, they immediately volunteered to help the crew at the county’s very busy C&D recycling facility. This hardworking group jumped right in – accepting incoming loads, directing traffic, running the water truck – whatever needed to be done. They took to these new roles with humor and grace and didn’t miss a beat when it was time to reopen the HCW facility on May 11. That first day, they served 327 customers – a 181% increase over their previous record. We truly appreciate them and their service to our department and the people of Lee County.”
Nominated by Paul Flores, Public Utilities Operating Manager