2018 SWANA FL Summer Conference

2018 SWANA FL Summer Conference

07/15/2018 - 07/17/2018

B Resort and Spa
1905 Hotel Plaza Blvd
Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830

Full Conference Agenda

Final List of Participants




Legislative Update Panel Discussion | David Dee, Rebecca O’Hara and Keyna Cory

The Chinese Import Ban – Impact on Florida Panel Discussion | Mitch Kessler, Bob Hyres andTravis Barnes

Contaminate…Contaminate…. Contaminate…. Contractual Considerations | Keith Howard


Pinellas County’s Organics Recycling Pilot Program | Stephanie Watson, Barbara Hetrick and Ryan Graunke

Determining Effects of Class I Landfill Leachate on Wastewater Treatment | Dr. Ashley Danley-Thomson

Rising Leachate Treatment Costs Prompt Evaluation of Unconventional Treatment Options Panel Discussion | Lisa Sterling, Yanni Polematidis, Jeff Foster and Robert Johnston

Incorporating Life-Cycle Thinking into the Solid Waste Management Industry and Policies | Malak Ahshassi

Recycle Right at Palm Beach County Events | Willie Puz

Beyond Curbside Collection: Quantifying the Cost of Services for Sanitation Functions | Vita Quinn and Robert Gardner