Important dates for the 2025 Legislative Session:
August 2, 2024 – Deadline for filing claim bills (Senate Rule 4.81(2))
March 4, 2025 – Regular Session convenes. The deadline for filing bills for introduction is 12 p.m.
April 22, 2025 – Last day for regularly scheduled committee meetings
May 2, 2025 – Last day of Regular Session
What Bills Might Impact the Solid Waste Industry?
Below is a list of bills for you to review that may have an impact on your solid waste organization. You can track these bills from
- Florida House
-; “Bill” at top of page / “Tracking” tab
- Florida Senate
-; “Go to Bill” at top of page / “Tracker” tab
You can watch committee meetings live on The Florida Channel webpage (or on-demand from the specific committee’s webpage)
- Watch Committee Meetings live on The Florida Channel
You can track federal bills in the same manner at.
- Federal bills
The goal is to update this list weekly through session. But, updates may be delayed for a number of reasons. If you have questions on any bill, please call the SWANA FL Legislative Committee Chair.
SB 200: Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan
Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan; Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to develop a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling plan for this state by a specified date, based on certain department recommendations; requiring the department to create and convene a technical assistance group for a specified purpose; requiring the department to submit a report to the Legislature upon completion of the comprehensive plan, etc.
HB 295: Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan
Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan; Requires DEP to develop comprehensive waste reduction & recycling plan, create & convene technical assistance group, & submit report to Legislature.
Waste Incineration; Prohibiting a local government or the Department of Environmental Protection, respectively, from issuing a construction permit for a certain new solid waste disposal facility or a waste-to-energy facility in specified areas, etc.
SB 1002: Utility Service Restrictions
Utility Service Restrictions; Including boards, agencies, commissions, and authorities of counties, municipal corporations, or other political subdivisions (including special districts and authorities) of the state with the entities preempted from taking certain actions that restrict, prohibit, or have the effect of restricting or prohibiting the types or fuel sources of energy produced, used, delivered, converted, or supplied by certain entities to serve customers; voiding existing specified documents and policies from governmental entities that are preempted by the act, etc.
HB 1137: Preemption Over Utility Service Restrictions
Preemption Over Utility Service Restrictions; Prohibits boards, agencies, commissions, & any authority of any county, municipal corporation, or political subdivision from restricting or prohibiting fuel sources & appliances used to provide energy to consumers; revises retroactive applicability to include boards, agencies, commissions, and any authority of any county, municipal corporation, & political subdivision.
HB 1239: Energy Infrastructure Investment
GENERAL BILL by Kincart Jonsson
Energy Infrastructure Investment; Authorizes PSC to establish experimental mechanism that meets certain requirements to facilitate certain energy infrastructure investment in gas & to make certain determinations; require PSC to adopt rules.
GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez
Waste Facilities; Prohibiting a local governmental entity from applying for a permit for or approving the permitting of certain waste facilities within a specified distance of the Everglades Protection Area, the Everglades Construction Project, or any water storage or conveyance structure constructed pursuant to specified provisions, etc.
HB 1199: Solid Waste Facilities
Solid Waste Facilities; Prohibits state or local governmental entities from applying for or approving permits for specified solid waste facilities.
SB 962: Municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy Program
Municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy Program; Revising which state agency is responsible for administering the Municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy Program; revising the requirements necessary for municipal solid waste-to-energy facilities to be eligible to receive financial assistance and incentive grant funding, etc.
SB 800: Requirements for Battery Manufacturers
Requirements for Battery Manufacturers; Prohibiting cell manufacturers or marketers from selling consumer or nonconsumer products powered by medium-format, portable, lithium, or primary batteries, etc.
HB 1201: Requirements for Battery Manufacturers
Requirements for Battery Manufacturers; Prohibits cell manufacturers or marketers from selling consumer or nonconsumer products powered by medium-format, portable, lithium, or primary batteries unless specified requirements are met.
HB 291: Personal Mobility Device Battery Safety Standards
Personal Mobility Device Battery Safety Standards; Defines “personal mobility device”; requires that certain batteries be certified as meeting specified ingress protection standard; requires manufacturers, distributors, or operators of personal mobility device to provide proof of such battery certification in certain circumstances; requires DHSMV to coordinate with local governmental entities for compliance purposes; authorizes department to take certain enforcement actions; prohibits sale, shipment, operation, or charging of certain personal mobility devices; provides for forfeiture of noncompliant personal mobility devices; provides civil penalties.
SB 410: Personal Mobility Device Battery Safety Standards
GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez
Personal Mobility Device Battery Safety Standards; Creating the “Florida E-Scooter and E-Bike Battery Safety Act”; defining the term “personal mobility device”; requiring that certain batteries be certified as meeting a specified ingress protection standard; requiring the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to coordinate with local governmental entities for compliance purposes, etc.
HB 1269: Electric Vehicle Battery Management
Electric Vehicle Battery Management; Provides requirements for end-of-life of propulsion batteries; prohibits disposal of specified batteries by landfilling; provides requirements for solid waste collectors & facilities; provides responsibilities for certain persons & entities; requires specified annual reports; provides rulemaking authority to DEP.
HB 621: State Renewable Energy Goals
GENERAL BILL by Eskamani
State Renewable Energy Goals; Prohibits drilling or exploration for, or production of, oil, gas, or other petroleum products & permitting & construction of certain related structures; requires statewide renewable energy electricity & carbon emission reductions by specified dates; directs Office of Energy within DACS to develop unified statewide plan & submit plan to Governor & Legislature; creates Renewable Energy Advisory Committee; directs Commissioner of Agriculture to submit annual report to Legislature.
SB 1496: State Renewable Energy Goals
State Renewable Energy Goals; Revising the definitions of the terms “biomass” and “renewable energy”; prohibiting the drilling or exploration for, or production of, oil, gas, or other petroleum products in certain locations; prohibiting the permitting and construction of certain structures intended for the drilling or exploration for, or production or transport of, oil, gas, or other petroleum products in certain locations; providing for statewide net zero carbon emissions by a specified date; directing the Office of Energy within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, in consultation with other state agencies, Florida College System institutions and state universities, public utilities, and other private and public entities, to develop a unified statewide plan to generate the state’s electricity from renewable energy and reduce the state’s carbon emissions by specified dates, etc.
HB 565: Regulation of Auxiliary Containers
Regulation of Auxiliary Containers; Defines “auxiliary container”; requires DEP to review & update specified report; prohibits local regulation of auxiliary containers; preempts such regulation to state.
SB 836: Auxiliary Containers, Wrappings, and Disposable Plastic Bags
Auxiliary Containers, Wrappings, and Disposable Plastic Bags; Removing the state preemption on the regulation of certain auxiliary containers, wrappings, and disposable plastic bags, etc.
HB 6023: Auxiliary Containers, Wrappings, and Disposable Plastic Bags
GENERAL BILL by Bartleman
Auxiliary Containers, Wrappings, and Disposable Plastic Bags; Removes state preemption on regulation of certain auxiliary containers, wrappings, & disposable plastic bags.
Farm Products; Provides that collection, storage, processing, & distribution of farm product is activity of bona fide farm operation which governmental entity may not prohibit, restrict, regulate, or otherwise limit.
Farm Products; Revising the definition of the term “farm product”; providing that the collection, storage, processing, and distribution of a farm product is an activity of a bona fide farm operation which a governmental entity may not prohibit, restrict, regulate, or otherwise limit, etc.
HB 283: Storage and Disposal of Prescription Drugs and Sharps
Storage and Disposal of Prescription Drugs and Sharps; Requires DOH & DEP to conduct study of safe collection & proper disposal of sharps; requires departments to make specified assessment of use of sharps in home; establishes collection methods to be considered in conducting study; requires departments to submit specified report to Governor & Legislature by certain date; provides for appropriation; provides requirements for establishments that store, warehouse, or hold certain prescription drugs solely for purpose of destruction. APPROPRIATION: $200,000
SB 668: Storage and Disposal of Prescription Drugs and Sharps
Storage and Disposal of Prescription Drugs and Sharps; Requiring the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct a study of the safe collection and proper disposal of sharps; establishing the collection methods to be considered in conducting the study; authorizing the departments to work or contract with counties, municipalities, and private entities; requiring the departments to submit a specified report to the Governor and the Legislature by a certain date; providing requirements for establishments that store, warehouse, or hold certain prescription drugs solely for the purpose of destruction, etc. APPROPRIATION: $200,000
GENERAL BILL by Anderson
Brownfields; Revises & removes provisions relating to institutional controls for mapping purposes; monetary compensation; site rehabilitation agreements; tax credits; brownfield area designations; & participation in brownfield program; prohibits DEP & local pollution control programs from denying specified status or refusing to issue specified order for certain brownfield sites.
Brownfields; Deleting a provision requiring certain property owners to provide information regarding institutional controls to the local government for mapping purposes; revising the conditions under which an applicant that has rehabilitated a contaminated site may submit and claim certain tax credits; deleting the definition of the term “monetary compensation”; revising the date by which the Department of Environmental Protection must issue annual site rehabilitation tax credit certificate awards; prohibiting the department or a delegated local pollution control program from denying a specified status or refusing to issue a specified order for certain brownfield sites that are only a portion of larger contaminated sites, etc.
HB 35: Heat Illness Prevention
GENERAL BILL by Gottlieb; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Eskamani; Harris; Woodson
Heat Illness Prevention; Requires certain employers to implement outdoor heat exposure safety program that has been approved by specified departments; specifies requirements for safety program; provides responsibilities for certain employers & employees; provides exceptions; requires specified annual training on heat illness & providing requirements for such training.
SB 510: Heat Illness Prevention
Heat Illness Prevention; Requiring certain employers to implement an outdoor heat exposure safety program that has been approved by specified departments; providing responsibilities for certain employers and employees; requiring specified annual training on heat illness and providing requirements for such training, etc.
GENERAL BILL by Giallombardo
Emergencies; Revising provisions related to emergencies including powers, duties, responsibilities of & funding for DEM & political subdivisions, medical care, special needs registry & shelters, planning, reporting, transportation of essentials, debris management, alternate power sources.
Emergencies; Authorizing certain servicemembers to provide medical care in specified circumstances; authorizing the Division of Emergency Management to create certain local organizations in county constitutional offices; providing that the division has command and control of specified emergency management efforts; requiring certain political subdivisions to publish specified information on publicly available websites, etc.
SB 180: Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency Preparedness and Response; Authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to waive or reduce local government match requirements under certain circumstances; providing a tangible personal property assessment limitation, during a certain timeframe and in certain counties, for certain agricultural equipment that is unable to be used due to Hurricanes Debby, Helene, or Milton; specifying conditions for applying for and receiving the assessment limitation; deleting a reference to a certain report; revising public hurricane shelter funding prioritization requirements for the Division of Emergency Management; authorizing certain servicemembers to provide medical care in specified circumstances, etc.
HB 341: Identification Cards for Public Works Employees
Identification Cards for Public Works Employees; Requires OPPAGA to produce report on how state could provide an ID card for public works employees identifying them as first responders; provides requirements for report.
HB 301: Suits Against the Government
Suits Against the Government; Increases statutory limits on liability for tort claims against state & its agencies & subdivisions; authorizes subdivision to settle claim in excess of statutory limit without legislative action regardless of insurance coverage limits; prohibits insurance policy from conditioning benefits on enactment of claim bill; specifies that limitations in effect on date claim accrues apply to that claim; revises period within which certain claims must be presented; revises exceptions relating to instituting tort claims against state or agencies or subdivisions; revises period after which failure of certain entities to make final disposition of claim shall be deemed final denial of claim for certain purposes; revises statute of limitations for tort claims against state or one of its agencies or subdivisions & exceptions.
SB 1570: Suits Against the Government
Suits Against the Government; Increasing the statutory limits on liability for tort claims against the state and its agencies and subdivisions; authorizing a subdivision of the state to settle a claim in excess of the statutory limit without further action by the Legislature regardless of insurance coverage limits; prohibiting an insurance policy from conditioning payment of benefits on the enactment of a claim bill; specifying that the limitations in effect on the date the claim accrues apply to that claim, etc.
HB 671: Electronic Payment of Public Records Fees
GENERAL BILL by Campbell
Electronic Payment of Public Records Fees; Requires certain agencies to provide electronic option for payment of fees associated with public records requests.
SB 1694: Prohibited Preferences in Government Contracting
Prohibited Preferences in Government Contracting; Prohibiting an awarding body from giving preference to a vendor on the basis of race or ethnicity; repealing provisions relating to minority participation for lottery retailers; deleting duties and responsibilities of the Office of Supplier Diversity to conform to its repeal by the act; repealing provisions relating to the procurement of personal property and services from funds set aside for minority business enterprises; repealing provisions relating to the Office of Supplier Diversity, etc.
HB 83: Protections for Public Employees who use Medical Marijuana as Qualified Patients
GENERAL BILL by Rosenwald
Protections for Public Employees who use Medical Marijuana as Qualified Patients; Prohibits public employer from taking adverse personnel action against employee or job applicant for his or her use of medical marijuana if employee or job applicant is qualified patient; provides exceptions; requires public employer to provide written notice of employee’s or job applicant’s right to explain or contest positive marijuana test result within specified timeframe; provides procedures that apply when employee or job applicant tests positive for marijuana; provides cause of action & damages.
SB 142: Protections for Public Employees Who Use Medical Marijuana as Qualified Patients
Protections for Public Employees Who Use Medical Marijuana as Qualified Patients; Prohibiting a public employer from taking adverse personnel action against an employee or a job applicant for his or her use of medical marijuana if the employee or job applicant is a qualified patient; requiring a public employer to provide written notice of an employee’s or a job applicant’s right to explain or contest a positive marijuana test result within a specified timeframe; providing a cause of action and damages, etc.
GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez
Carbon Sequestration; Creating the Carbon Sequestration Task Force adjunct to the Department of Environmental Protection; providing for task force membership, meetings, and duties; requiring the task force to submit specified reports to the Secretary of Environmental Protection and to the Governor and the Legislature by specified dates, etc. APPROPRIATION: $350,000
Carbon Sequestration; Creates Carbon Sequestration Task Force adjunct to DEP; provides for task force membership & duties; requires task force to submit specified reports to Secretary of Environmental Protection & Governor & Legislature; provides appropriation. APPROPRIATION: $350,000
GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez
Legal Tender; Specifying that specie legal tender and electronic currency are legal tender; specifying that certain transactions of specie do not give rise to tax liability; prohibiting persons from compelling others to tender or accept specie as legal tender; authorizing governmental entities to recognize specie legal tender for certain payments, etc.
HB 999: Gold and Silver Specie as Legal Tender
Gold and Silver Specie as Legal Tender; Specifies that specie legal tender is legal tender; prohibits specie or specie legal tender from being characterized as personal property for taxation & regulatory purposes under state law; specifies that purchases & sales of specie do not give rise to state tax liability; provides that exchanges or conversions of one type or form of legal tender for another type or form of legal tender do not give rise to state tax liability; prohibits persons from compelling others to tender or accept specie as legal tender; authorizes governmental entities to recognize specie legal tender for certain payments.
Hands-free Driving; Prohibiting a person from operating a motor vehicle while using a wireless communications device in a handheld manner; providing an exception; requiring that sustained use of a wireless communications device by a person operating a motor vehicle be conducted through a hands-free accessory until such use is terminated; revising penalty provisions relating to the use of wireless communications devices in a handheld manner in certain circumstances, etc.
GENERAL BILL by Tant; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Hinson; Hunschofsky
Hands-free Driving; Prohibits person from operating motor vehicle while using wireless communications device in handheld manner; provides exception; requires that sustained use of wireless communications device by person operating motor vehicle be conducted through hands-free accessory until such use is terminated; revises exceptions to prohibition; removes obsolete provisions; revises penalty provisions relating to use of wireless communications devices in handheld manner in certain circumstances.