Waste and Recycling Workers Week – June 17-21, 2024
During this special week of celebration for Waste and Recycling Workers Week, we join together to thank the women and men who work daily to keep our neighborhoods and streets safe and clean!
To celebrate WRWW, Pinellas County introduced some of the Scalehouse employees at the Pinellas County Solid Waste Disposal Complex. These folks help to ensure Pinellas County’s garbage is managed properly. https://fb.watch/sNmX7cWHWq/
Waste & Recyling Workers Week was recognized in Santa Rosa County at a recent Board of County Commissioners Meeting. https://www.facebook.com/SantaRosaCountyBOCC

Santa Rosa County continues to celebrate WRWW with a video highlighting the Environmental Department team. https://fb.watch/sOF-najmKy/
Happy Waste and Recycling Workers Week from Waste Pro.