Category: Uncategorized

Sanitation Workers Support Fund

Solid waste and recycling collection is a critical and essential part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The men and women working in the waste and recycling collection industry are on the front lines of protecting human health and the environment. SWANA is collaborating with Glad to support sanitation workers across the United States and Canada…
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SWANA FL Annual Chapter Business Meeting

The SWANA FL Annual Chapter Business Meeting was held virtually on June 18, 2020. Minutes / PowerPoint

House Bill 73 Environmental Regulation Approved by Governor

House Bill 73 Environmental Regulation Approved by GovernorClick HERE for HB73 details

Congratulations Marc Bex!

Marc Bex, Operations Manager, Waste Management Inc. of Florida “Marc Bex has done a phenomenal job at not compromising safety, problem solving customer inquiries to find the right balance between policy and service, honoring commitments, and providing constructive input into program changes or implementations. Marc Bex provides a level of security and confidence to my…
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SWANA FL Announces New Directors

Congratulations to the following individuals who have been elected to the SWANA FL Board of Directors for the 2020-2022 term: Michael Fernandez, Miami Dade County Earl Gloster, City of Clearwater Damien Tramel, Hillsborough County Ravi Kadambala, Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County

Congratulations Michael Mathews!

Michael Mathews, Senior Customer Service Representative, City of Sarasota “Michael is a veteran team member with over 24 years of service with the City of Sarasota. He has worked in various areas within the city and also as a solid waste equipment operator. He now works hard to educate and take care of any matters…
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Congratulations Charles Lovely!

Charles Lovely, Division Chief 3, Transfer Division, Miami-Dade Department of Solid Waste Management “Mr. Lovely has 36 years of experience in the solid waste industry. He started his career as a tractor-trailer driver. His hard work and skills enabled him to be promoted within the organization. Mr. Lovely’s wealth of knowledge has made a positive…
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Congratulations Sherrickia King!

Sherrickia King, Refuse Equipment Operator, City of Sarasota “As a swing driver, Sherrickia has acquired the training, knowledge and experience needed to operate the majority of our equipment. At times the swing driver position can be demanding with changing circumstances on a daily basis. Sherrickia is always ready for what comes her way! No matter…
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Congratulations Lee County Solid Waste – Household Chemical Waste Team!

Earnest Outlaw, Carlos Pizzaro, Eric Gutierrez, Patricia Lizzio, Charles Rizzo “In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lee County’s household chemical waste team closed the drop-off facility to the public on March 24, 2020. And, in true team spirit, they immediately volunteered to help the crew at the county’s very busy C&D recycling facility. This hardworking…
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A Letter from the SWANA FL President

SWANA Florida Sunshine Chapter Members, After much deliberation, I have the unfortunate duty to pass along that the Executive Committee has made the decision to cancel the 2020 Summer Conference and Chapter Road-E-O. This decision was a combination of safety concerns, travel constraints and evaluation of our contracts with the host hotels.  We are in the process of negotiating…
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