SWANA Introduces Safety First eNewsletter in February

SWANA Introduces Safety First eNewsletter in February

Safety tip sheet will replace Safety Matters to reflect Goal 1 of SWANA Strategic Plan

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is proud to announce that its weekly safety e-newsletter Safety Matters will be rebranded as Safety First effective February 1, 2023. This name change reflects the decision to make moving the waste collection industry off of the US government’s list of 10 most dangerous jobs the first goal in SWANA’s Strategic Plan.

“Aligning SWANA’s weekly safety newsletter with our Strategic Plan is an important step in connecting SWANA’s long-term objectives with day-to-day operations at solid waste companies and agencies throughout the United States and Canada,” stated David Biderman, SWANA’s Executive Director & CEO. “If every employer in the industry received Safety First and shared its contents with front-line employees, we’d see a substantial improvement in the industry’s safety performance,” Biderman added.

Safety First will continue to provide the same helpful tips and information to SWANA members every week to help them reduce injuries, collisions, claims, and costs. Many companies and agencies use SWANA’s weekly safety newsletter in their safety meetings and post it in prominent locations in the workplace.

Reflecting SWANA’s renewed commitment to putting safety first, non-members will also have the opportunity to receive the newsletter all month long in February. If you are interested in receiving Safety First in February, please click here.

Safety First will be available in English, Spanish, and French.