2024 SWANA FL Summer Conference

2024 SWANA FL Summer Conference

07/14/2024 - 07/16/2024

Rosen Plaza Hotel
9700 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819

Post-Conference Evaluation

Final List of Participants
Schedule of Events
Conference App

Keynote – SWANA: The Vision Forward | Amy Burke, SWANA CEO
Legislative Recap | Willie Puz, Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County
What’s Ahead – EPA Poised to Tighten Air Emission Limits for Large Municipal Waste Combustors | Josh Miller, HDR and Justin Roessler, Roessler and Associates
Evaporation Economics and Emissions | Kent Jensen, Skagen Energy Services
Optimizing Resource Management: The Power of Waste Profiling in Hillsborough County | Rachel Rosenzweig, Hillsborough County
Strategic Partnerships and Mindful Procurement in Solid Waste Management | Mitch Kessler, Kessler Consulting Inc. and Himanshu Mehta, Indian River County Solid Waste Disposal District


Implementation of an Onsite Leachate Pre-Treatment Project:  Experiences from New River Regional Landfill | Joel Woolsey and Perry Kent, New River Solid Waste Association
Transforming Trash into Treasure: The Crucial Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Creating Smarter Energy Solutions | Jorge Herrera, Nopetro Energy and Himanshu Mehta, Indian River County Solid Waste Disposal District
Human Behavior Outcomes of Beverage Cups at the Point of Disposal: A Case Study | Mónica Rodríguez Morris, University of Wisconsin-Madison
SWANA FL Synergy | Sarah Gustitus-Graham, SWANA FL Secretary and Tammy Hayes, SWANA President
Transparent Glass Recycling Partnerships | Marissa Segundo, Transformations PR (SMI) and Julie Kessler, Owens Corning
From Chaos to Control: How Smartsheet Streamlines Processes | Harrison Dewhurst, HDR
Lee County’s Safety Program | Robin Foubert, Caleb Gonzalez and Robert Short, Lee County
Surface and Subsurface Landfill Fires | Laila Al-Khalaf and Stephen Townsend, SCS
The Often-Overlooked Design Details of Transfer Stations | Jill Gaffigan, Geosyntec, Ed Hood, GFL Environmental and Mike Fernandez, Waste Pro
Life After Landfill Closure | Van Smith, HDR
sUAS-based Aerial Lidar: Advancements and Applications in Land Surveying | Scott Graham, ETM Survey
GIS Technology for Landfills | Kayla Ouellette, SCS